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What is a Postnatal Doula?

So what does a Postnatal (or Postpartum) Doula actually do??

I once heard someone say that we Doula’s are like Playdoh, we are there to be moulded into whatever you need us to be. 🥰

But how could you benefit from hiring a postnatal Doula? Here are just a handful of ways…

  • Evidence based information If you have a subject that you need more information on, such as: if that feeding latch is right, is that poo colour normal, why am I crying today, is my baby smiling already…and you need some information you can trust. Every Doula out there is different, we all have our own set of skills and experiences, so if we can’t help you ourselves then we will tap into the huge network of Doulas and direct you to what you need. We will either send you some evidence based online information or we will know of someone in your area who you can get in touch with for support. Even if you are lucky enough to have a great support network of your own it can be so hard to navigate through the oodles of ‘advice’ that is sent your way in those early days and weeks. Finding one voice that you trust can be invaluable. 💭

  • Someone to talk to That may sound a bit fluffy but some one to reflect on your birth experience or what you and your partner are going through right now can mean the world. We Doulas ALWAYS offer a non-judgemental listening ear and always bring The cake and make the cuppa. 🍰

  • Arms for holding baby Someone to hold the baby whilst you grab a much needed nap, do some chores, catch up on some work or just get some rest. 😴

  • We will guard the door Some families choose to have a visitors ban for the first few days or hours after the birth of their baby. A Doula can be a polite yet effective way to turn away visitors that you’re not ready for without embarrassment. 🐺

  • Help with older children Having another baby will mean some adjustments for everyone in the family. An older sibling can sometimes benefit from someone to spend one-2-one time with them while the family is busy with the new baby. Even just help with preparing lunch boxes and homework can be very useful help indeed. 🏃‍♀️

  • Useful after Multiples Twins, triplets or more? Parents may find that more hands on deck at certain times may be very useful. 👬

  • Help with household tasks after a cesarean After a caesarean birth Mum’s often find it more challenging getting around and doing to daily tasks especially if their partner has returned to work or they also have a toddler to care for. A Doula can help with the daily household tasks, keeping the house organised, moving baby to Mummy to feed or preparing bottles. She can also help with transport to hospital appointments and to see family. 🧹

  • It doesn’t have to stop at the baby years You can also call on a Doula on a one off, most Doulas work on a minimum number of hours in one block, some from as little as 2 hours. So if you’re just having a RAHHH day and need a ray of sunshine, a Doula could be just who you need. 🌞 The average postnatal Doula will cost between £15-£30 per hour, depending on her experience and the location, so it doesn’t even have to cost the earth either. 😚

Some time with a postnatal Doula can be a great gift for a friend or family member who is expecting a baby. ❤️ You can purchase Doula UK gift vouchers here or just ask about my own gift vouchers if you’d like to set a collection up for your baby shower or blessing way.

For more information on my Doula services and pricing please visit my website here. And don’t ever hesitate to ping me a text/email or just give me a call for a chat. Sarah x


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